10 Things COVID-19 Will Change in Digital Commerce

According to Gartner, “COVID-19 triggered an urgent requirement for organizations — causing them to move deeper into digital channels and use digital technologies to increase revenue and engage customers.” Both B2C and B2B buying behaviors have undergone a monumental shift. Despite an eventual return to normalcy, COVID-19 has accelerated permanent changes in how buyers interact with brands.

The desire for anytime, anywhere gratification has driven a convergence in physical and digital experiences. Experience commerce, contactless payments and visual configuration of 2D and 3D product representations that do not require an in-store visit, are but a few of the changes accelerated by COVID-19. We believe you’ll learn:

  • How businesses are increasing their digital investments despite revenue shocks caused by COVID-19
  • Why enterprise marketplaces alleviate risks associated with disruption and provide new revenue stream opportunities for participants
  • How unified commerce offers consistent and personalized experience across channels throughout the customer journey

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