A Security Checklist for Cloud Migration

The security scenario has been profoundly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. With so much data in the cloud, what are some of the ways in which cloud security can be methodically deployed, and where do the responsibilities of the partner end, and the end-user begin? Can managed security services (MSS) provide an effective solution to meet the security needs of companies as they digitalise?

Many companies still encounter difficulties in migrating to the cloud. This includes developing a plan to deal with legacy IT while rushing to get platforms and systems in place, such as virtual private networks (VPN), multi-factor authentication, and increasing bandwidth. This shift to working from home has also led to major changes in areas such as central cloud control and data loss prevention, and the endpoint aspect has become a lot more important to support remote work.

This whitepaper addresses these issues and more, and concludes with a nine-point checklist to support businesses in their cloud migration journey that can help them easily maneuver possible pitfalls and challenges.

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