How to Navigate a Changing Landscape for Electronics Supply Chains

If a one-word theme describes the supply chain over the past few years, it’s “disruption.” Electronics suppliers and manufacturers have been particularly hard-hit, with worries over component shortages lingering in 2023. Ongoing Covid-19 struggles in component manufacturing centers like China, an inventory yo-yo of shortages, then overages and the ever-present risk of product theft are just a few of the challenges facing the industry.

Various forms of upheaval are par for the course in any supply chain. “The supply chain is a living, breathing thing and it absorbs disruption after disruption,” notes Todd Simms, VP, Industry Strategy, Manufacturing at FourKites. “That has always been the case. It’s just been a bigger story over the past three years.”

In this playbook, we’ll uncover some of the trickiest challenges to the electronics manufacturing supply chain – and how real-time visibility data can help you get a handle on them.


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