The 2024 State of the Website

Websites are the first point of contact with potential customers; a reflection of your company’s identity; a critical source of truth for any and all information about your business, mission, and offerings. And while it’s no secret that a well-executed website is essential, our research reveals that while 93% of marketing leaders believe innovation is critical to their web programs — 61% struggle with execution. 

To better understand and map out the state of marketing websites across industries, we conducted a survey — in partnership with market research group Vanson Bourne — of 500 marketing leaders across the U.S. and North America. 

Key findings from our research report include: 

  • The website is becoming an increasingly expensive and time-consuming asset to manage, with marketing teams spending $1.6M on average on website teams and software annually. 
  • Website ownership is a persistent challenge for marketing teams, with 81% stating their team is currently restricted by developers and other teams. 
  • Web tech stacks are not sufficiently empowering business users, with 60% of marketing leaders reporting their current stack is missing the mark. 
  • 50% of marketing teams that have implemented no-code or low-code tools are already witnessing incremental benefits.

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