Weave insights with fit-for-purpose data into a seamless fabric

Microsoft Fabric promises to empower data and business professionals alike to unlock the power of their data and lay the foundation for the era of AI.

But when data is consolidated into a single, integrated SaaS platform,  organizations often find that data is inconsistent, incomplete, duplicated, and, as a result, not “fit for purpose” or suitable to leverage for reliable analytics, insights, and outcomes.

This guide from Profisee “Weaving Insights: The Essential Role of Governance and Master Data Management (MDM) in Microsoft Fabric” addresses this challenge and covers:

  • How Microsoft Fabric seamlessly consolidates disparate data and analytics platforms
  • Why data persisted in OneLake may still not be “fit for purpose”
  • How to use native data governance and MDM platforms like Profisee to integrate with Microsoft Fabric
  • Why organizations need an “adaptive” approach to MDM

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