The Business Case for Investing in Mental Health

Supporting mental health and wellbeing has become a workplace imperative. The combination of the growing need for mental health services in the aftermath of the pandemic and the current economic environment is leaving benefits buyers in a tough position. With mental health spending increasing year over year and every benefit dollar being scrutinized, how can HR leaders deliver access to mental healthcare for employees while also keeping a tight benefits budget? 

In our latest guide, we share the cost impacts of poor employee mental health, and how benefits buyers can make the business case internally for an investment in employee mental healthcare. Learn more about: 

  • The direct and indirect costs of not investing in mental health 
  • Why a single, comprehensive solution that addresses a broad range of mental health needs is the most cost-effective solution for employee mental health today 
  • Headspace’s cost-effective pricing and proven, positive impact on employee mental health 

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