Proactive Ransomware Mitigation: Elevating Security Defenses with Threat Intelligence

Elevating Security Defenses with Threat Intelligence Ransomware attacks have become one of the most common cyber threats to organizations in 2024, growing 70% year over year from 2022 to 2023. These attacks can cause lasting negative impacts on businesses, such as disruptions to operations, exposure of customers’ personal information, and even stock price declines and loss of market share. To proactively protect your organization from these attacks, it’s crucial to understand why organizations are being targeted, how the attacks are being carried out, and which areas of your business are most vulnerable. Explore our eBook on Proactive Ransomware Mitigation and discover how organizations can leverage threat intelligence for effective ransomware defense by:

• Identifying, investigating, and prioritizing cyber threats.

• Prioritizing and mitigating vulnerabilities based on risk.

• Preventing misuse and protecting. compromised credentials and identities.

• Protecting the business value chain.

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