Simplifying the way we protect SaaS applications

How to protect users and data with a Zero Trust approach

In today’s distributed environment, software-as-a service (SaaS) applications have given organizations greater flexibility to support corporate employees and contractors across the world. Some of the most notable SaaS application suites currently include communication (email delivery, chat platforms), productivity (documents, spreadsheets), and collaboration (online storage). By 2025, Gartner predicts that 85% of enterprises will run their businesses with a cloud-first principle — with SaaS as the preferred vehicle for access management deployments.

As a result, many organizations are driven to find better ways of consolidating security products across their SaaS landscape — to improve efficiency, reduce management and implementation complexity, and receive consolidated support.

Download this whitepaper to:

  • Understand how CASB has evolved and the trouble with CASB implementation and integration
  • Understanding modern security challenges with the most ubiquitous SaaS app, email
  • How to apply a Zero Trust approach to SaaS security

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