Hybrid (Return to) Workplace – How will it shape up in 2021 and beyond?

COVID-19 continues to have a dramatic influence on economies, companies and individuals. Even with the increased availability of vaccines, the number of vaccinated citizens remains low. The limited accessibility to vaccine shots is insufficient to achieve herd immunity in developed countries before the end of 2021. Mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is significantly more contagious, may further spread with notably higher incidence levels. The UK and Ireland highlighted this trend. Vaccination strategies in most countries are also burdensome to companies and employees, with the scarce vaccine initially provided to particularly vulnerable groups of people (medical personnel, the elderly and the previously ill). While this is understandable from an ethical point of view, for employers it means that COVID-19 will almost certainly keep them busy throughout 2021.

At the end of 2020 and early 2021, we saw the third wave of COVID-19 in the US. Europe is also nearing a severe lockdown state where companies have been asked to let employees work from home wherever possible In mid 2021, it has spread to the APAC region.

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