Not all storage is the same. How to choose the right type for your data needs.

Storage isn’t as simple as it sounds but choosing the right solution can be.

Our world has become incredibly connected to the internet. One digital interaction occurs every 18 seconds, and by 2025 via 5G, the average person will create 4,900 digital data engagements every day.1 That’s a lot of data saved and consumed–and it’s not just individuals. By 2025, 60% of the world’s data will be produced by businesses.

Where will all this data go? How will it all get stored?

All of the data on the internet also has to be stored somewhere. So, what do you do when you need to store large chunks of data on the internet? You have two main options — use cloud storage devices or use bare metal storage. Determining the best option depends on the kind of data you want to keep, how much data you’re storing, how often it needs to be accessed, and how you want it to be accessed.

Download this white paper to help you choose the right data solution for your business needs.

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