In the world of manufacturing, it is the gearbox that keeps the wheels of the industry turning. The success of a manufacturing company is dictated by the consistency and speed of production that their gearboxes are able to deliver on a daily basis. Therefore, maintaining the lifespan and efficiency of the gearbox is vital to protect and grow the bottom line of business. Gearbox performance is dependent on an effective lubrication program as many failures are caused by poor lubricant choices. Such failures can have drastic consequences for equipment manufacturers, whose expertise, reputation, and customer retention rates can all suffer as a result. It’s essential that OEM’s are equipped with the correct knowledge to best advise their clients on effective lubricant usage. This paper will explore four of the major challenges currently facing the manufacturing industry. Each issue will be approached in relation to the effect it has on the end customer, before outlining the insights and advice equipment manufacturers can use to help their customers progress, in turn, strengthening the business relationship.