How a Health Care Provider Saved 20 Weeks a Year in Performance Reviews

Engaged and empowered health care employees serve patients better. And time-consuming HR processes with little transparency distract them from their vital work.

Imagine how a paper-based HR experience negatively impacts the staff of a health care provider with 17 locations. The constant issues included pain points like:


  • unsecure data 
  • costly storage 
  • compliance risks 
  • limited development opportunities 
  • companywide inefficiency

The HR director was committed to streamlining, automating and maintaining a truly human experience. Unfortunately, the company’s legacy software forced its HR pros to spend days manually entering data and correcting errors.

“When we’re stuck trying to do too much with very little, all we can do is the bare minimum, and that makes us seem inhuman to our staff,” said the company’s HR director.

Without reliable performance review software, for example, it took a combined 840 hours to prepare for annual evaluations.

How does the right HR tech expedite performance reviews?

With Paycom, the health care provider eliminated the clutter around performance reviews. Its staff now store, share and access records digitally. Best of all, HR reduced the 840-hour process to just 40 hours. And performance review prep only requires one HR pro — not three.

The business also used Paycom to revitalize expense reimbursement. HR reduced a previously 60-day process to just one pay period with Paycom’s expense management software. 

The HR director estimated a 50% increase to operational efficiency across the board. The health care provider’s staff can focus knowing the data is accurate and instantly accessible whenever they need it. And Paycom helped HR transform into more than just a link in a long, bureaucratic chain.

“[Paycom] frees up time for us to interact with our staff in a meaningful way,” said the HR director, “and promotes HR as a professional developmental partner, not just the gatekeeper of processes.”

To learn more, download the How a Health Care Provider Saved 20 Weeks a Year in Performance Reviews case study.



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