Making SASE Real for Your Organization

The Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) framework promises to converge web, network, data, and cloud app connectivity and security and deliver them together from the cloud. Right now, the need for SASE is critical. An influx of remote work has changed the way we use applications and exchange data and IT leaders are in dire need of a security and networking framework that helps reduce complexity in their environments. 

Recently, during our 2020 SASE CyberSummit, security and IT leaders came together to discuss the need for a new framework, the core components of SASE, and how enterprises can get started adopting the SASE architecture. In this eBook, we’ve consolidated key lessons from the Summit by highlighting the SASE need-to-knows and offering actionable advice on how to get started on your SASE journey. 

We’ll help you discover the best ways to get started implementing SASE and enjoying the benefits of a converged architecture. Here are some things you’ll learn: 


  • What SASE is and what problems it solves
  • The need for SASE in the security industry and why it got created
  • How to start the SASE journey and seek buy-in
  • The four pillars of SASE and how to drill down deeper in SASE conversations   

    Number of Employees


    Which?aspect of cyber security?is your main focus?

    When will you start evaluating your data security or cloud security software solution?

    What is your most important strategic focus?

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