Solving the Cloud Migration Challenge
Solving the Cloud Migration Challenge Facing uncertainties that are delaying your business’ move to cloud? Wondering how to enlist executive support, train your teams,...
Solving the Cloud Migration Challenge Facing uncertainties that are delaying your business’ move to cloud? Wondering how to enlist executive support, train your teams,...
Delivering Customer Innovation The potential of data to drive business value and create opportunities is well recognized by organizations globally. However, breaking free from...
IDG Playbook: A Strategic Playbook for Data, Analytics, and Machine Learning Data has become an essential element of many business models. Today, all organizations...
Building a Winning Data Strategy The potential of data to drive business value and create opportunities is well recognized by organizations globally. However, breaking...
How to assess data quality in an omnichannel world High-performance marketing is rooted in strong data, but not all data is equal. Having quality data...
INNOVATION PLAYBOOK: 5 traits of wildly successful tech companies you can adopt today Today’s top technology companies shine with what Forbes calls an “innovation...
HOW MATURE IS YOUR CLOUD? In with the new Faster. Better. More secure. These are the current demands and expectations of the perpetually shifting...
5 proven ways to motivate and retain your technology team Congratulations, you created a “DREAM TEAM.” Your technologists work together like a well-oiled machine,...
4 Subtle Examples of External Retail Fraud It’s no secret that retailers suffer tremendously from fraud and other losses every year. A 2019 survey...
Sustainable Impact Report, 2020 In 2021, HP announced our most comprehensive and ambitious Sustainable Impact agenda yet. It connects us to the most defining...