Delivering a superior customer service experience at Aon
Delivering a superior customer service experience at Aon Aon is a leading global professional services firm providing a broad range of risk, retirement, and...
Delivering a superior customer service experience at Aon Aon is a leading global professional services firm providing a broad range of risk, retirement, and...
Streamlining service delivery at Deutsche Telekom Deutsche Telekom is laser-focused on its mission to become the leading B2B telecom. To succeed, this CSP has...
Forrester: Why Everyone Needs a Digital Decisioning Platform? Insights on providers that matter most and how they stack up This special session will provide...
Business transformation through digital decisioning platforms Get Quick Insights for achieving radical, customer-centric change through AI With the rise of AI, many organizations are...
Fortinet offre un’architettura di sicurezza integrata per proteggere l’innovazione bancaria Nell’ultimo anno, il settore del retail banking ha compiuto passi da gigante con investimenti...
I cambiamenti digitali nel retail banking richiedono un’architettura di sicurezza integrata La pandemia di COVID-19 sta accelerando la preferenza dei consumatori verso il mobile...
In che modo le banche retail possono rivoluzionare il mercato in tutta sicurezza? Ispirato da uno tsunami di innovazione digitale dirompente, l’ultimo decennio ha...
Sfide e opportunità per la sicurezza nel Retail Banking Il retail banking include attori tradizionali come le banche fisiche che operano a livello comunitario,...
How IT Resilience Gaps Impact Your Business Modern IT teams feel pressure from all directions. They must maintain compliance with data privacy regulations, track...
Cyberwarfare Requires Speed, Adaptability and Visibility to Win Cyber security has become a war of attrition where organizations, government agencies and the Department of...