Why Alienated VMware Partners Need to Know About Scale Computing

As more VMware partners and their customers find themselves at the mercy of Broadcom’s new and, in many cases, damaging policies, they’re on a desperate hunt for alternatives. The search can be overwhelming. Dozens of vendors are coming to the forefront and pitching themselves as a VMware replacement.

But how do you know those companies will stick around for the long haul, and stay committed to the channel and its end users? How does their technology interoperate with those entrenched VMware stacks? How well do they support their partners? And what is their vision for cloud computing over the next decade? The last thing channel partners need is to team with a VMware replacement provider that’s only going to cause another round of upheaval and frustration.

Learn why Scale Computing is different and how SC//Platform offers a safe landing for alienated VMware partners.

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